
  • 1-hour initial consultation meeting
  • Talking topics include:
    • Goals
    • Timeline
    • Resources available
    • Cost
    • Continued support


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.


  • Collaborate with fellow architects.
  • Showcase your projects.
  • Experience the world of architecture.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.


  • Collaborate with fellow architects.
  • Showcase your projects.
  • Experience the world of architecture.


Meet me!

While I work, I learn.

While I’m exploring hobbies, I try to make a positive impact.

Give me a chance and I’ll show you the creative things that can happen!

Junye Ou

Junye Ou

Founder, Project Manager, Avid Learner

We’ve worked with some of the best companies.